Success means something different to everyone. Some define it in terms of money… Others in possessions… Still others in raw power… Others by their influence…
How much money do you require to be successful?
How much “stuff” do you require to be successful?
How much power and control do you require to be successful?
How many people do you need to influence in order to be successful?
In what ratio? More emphasis on money and less on power? Maybe more influence and less stuff? Maybe all stuff and money… who cares about the power and influence when cash is King!
This is how I define Success:
Success is living the life I design and helping others to do the same. It is impacting people’s thoughts and actions on a large scale. Success is helping others to know God. Success is teaching others to create their own success… And they do!
After I came up with this, I noticed it lacked something that we traditionally associate with achieving success…
Absolute, definable and concrete results! You know, the things we are all taught to shoot for when we write down our goals!
But Fric! Aren’t our goals and whether or not we hit them one way of measuring our success?
Well, that’s what we are taught, isn’t it?
And don’t get me wrong… I LOVE goals! Can’t really achieve my success without them. Nor can you.
But your goals do not and never have defined your success. All they do is tell you where you are, how much money you have, what kind of house you live in, what kind of car you drive, how big your downline is or how much stuff you have.
None of that defines your success.
If it did, Success would be the same for everyone.
Now, that’s a sobering thought, isn’t it? Your Success is entirely up to you! You define it. You work toward it. You decide when you are there. Success can mean money, fame, power and stuff… If you decide it.
It can also mean peace, contentment, a spiritual life or a life dedicated solely to others. You probably fall somewhere in the middle.
Success is a feeling… a state of mind. That state is determined by the standards you set for yourself and whether you meet them. Do you have high standards and expectations? If so, it will take more to not be a failure. If you have low standards and expectations, you probably don’t care if you are successful or not!
Do this…
1. What are your personal standards (values) and expectations of yourself?
2. What do you do each day to meet these?
3. Are your goals in line with these?
4. What thing you do makes you the happiest? Or what thing you could do, would make you the happiest?
5. Is it in line with your values and standards? Does it benefit you and your family or community?
6. How can you incorporate that thing into your life? What do you have to do to make it happen?
Answering these six questions and coming up with something that is positive for you and others, makes you and others happy and is in line with your values/standards and expectations will take you down the path to ultimate success.
You can get there by other routes, but I bet that in the end, Success will still meet the qualifications in the previous paragraph.
So, how do you define Success?