Reasonable people are unsuccessful people. Sad, but true.
I know. You’re thinking: Geez! How can you say such a thing? Reasonable people are part of what makes society work!
Well, sort of. To a certain extent everyone needs to be reasonable because we need to respect and follow just laws and the rights of others. But also, reasonable people are ones who go with the flow, don’t make waves, accept what comes, do as they are told, and be what others want them to be.
Is that the kind of person you want to be? More importantly, is that the kind of person that achieves any kind of success? By success I mean the type that changes lives and changes your destiny and the destiny of those around you. The kind that will make others think that you have been blessed.
Unreasonable people do this. Not reasonable people. An unreasonable person changes the flow, makes waves, creates what comes, does what they believe to be right, becomes the best that they can be.
Unreasonable in the context of creating change and success in life basically means that you are not a sheep. You seek out the different way. It may be more difficult and fraught with risks, but that is because the rewards are so much greater.
The first step in becoming unreasonable is to shed the belief in ‘Conventional Wisdom’. It is neither conventional (meaning common in this case) nor is it wise. To achieve great things, you must have faith that great things are possible. Conventional Wisdom says that since statistics show that almost no one will succeed, no one should try.
Well, that’s a load of BOVINE WASTE MATERIAL!
You may attempt things and fail. You may shoot for the moon and not reach it. You may not even come anywhere near the goal line. But what if along the way, you have some fun? Live life to the fullest? Create some meaningful friendships and partnerships along the way? Isn’t that the real point of the process? The journey?
What you become on the way to your destination is more important than the destination itself. That is what an unreasonable person realizes. That person also realizes that having an unreasonable destination is just about the only way to have that special journey. Reasonable people have reasonable destinations and reasonable journeys.
I want my destination and journey to be as UNREASONABLE as possible. How about you?