Overcome the Obstacles
to Achieving Your Goals!

To: Success Maniacs Everywhere
From: Tim Johnson, Values Coach
Do you want to create a better life for yourself and your family, but you’re struggling because you can’t seem to make consistent progress on your Goals?
Does it feel easier to just give up on your Goals and go along with what everyone else is doing, even though you know that’s not what you’re meant to be and do?
Or perhaps you’ve been stymied by feelings of uneasiness with the Goals you’ve set for yourself, or you don’t know where to start on creating Success in your life?
If so, I understand . . .
My name is Tim Johnson. I’m a Success Values Coach — and before I learned the secrets to creating Values Based Goals, I was trying to create Success in my life that wasn’t really what I wanted. Those Goals were the ones I THOUGHT I should have, not the ones I wanted to have…
Just like you, I struggled in achieving those Goals. I’d make some progress and then take steps backwards. I’d lose interest over time or just not WANT to do the things I’d have to do to achieve those Goals.
At one point, I had nearly given up on trying to create the life I wanted.
But that didn’t happen…
Instead, I had a life-changing event.
That event led me to discover what was important in my life. I had a conversion of faith, and it wasn’t something I was looking for or expecting. That was my catalyst that led me to spend several years studying and learning, first about my newfound faith and then how that affected how I should live in the world.
When I returned to my Goal-Setting process and looked at it with new eyes. All the fundamentals are the same, but I saw them differently. I realized that much of what I had been pursuing wasn’t really in line with my true Values.
Even though I defined pretty much the same Values as a starting point, what I pursued were still things I thought I SHOULD be doing and seeking. They tended to be selfish and solely focused on what I would get out of the world.
For many, that’s enough. For me, it just wasn’t anymore. I wasn’t honoring and trying to live out my Values.
Since then, I’ve realigned my Goals with my Values; and it’s made all the difference in the world.
Now that I’ve focused on living out my Values, I’ve made tremendous strides in my Goal Setting and Achievement.
I’m Successful in taking care of my family and working on becoming a nationally known Writer and Success Coach. We purchased the home of our dreams and are seen as leaders in our community.
Because I want to change as many lives as I can, I’ve decided to pass on my experience to help you do what I’ve done.
If you choose to work with me, I’ll show you a Road Map that’s easy to follow.
Success is a journey. We’ve all heard that, and it’s true. The program I’ll teach you is engineered around that metaphor. I teach you how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
All while staying true to your Values.
When you work with me:
I’ll help you clarify and define your core Values so you’ll be crystal clear on what’s important to you. Next, you’ll create a Vision that shows you the life you want to live. You’ll discover the Mission you’ll undertake to get you to that Vision. Once you know where you’re going and how you’ll get there, you only need to define the steps you need to take and what you need to do to achieve them. Those are the Goals and the Action Plan to achieve them.
How would it feel to truly know what’s important to you? To know what you wanted your life to be? To know how to get there?
In short, how would it feel to achieve everything you want?
Step by step I’m going to show you how to:
- Define your Values
- Design the Vision for your life
- Determine the Mission to get you to your Vision
- Create a set of Goals that supports your Values and moves you closer and closer to your Vision
- Create a Road Map that gets you from Goal to Goal
- Do the Gut-Check to make sure you’re on the right track and still living out your Values
PLUS we’ll work step by step through these topics:
- Self-Inventory to discover your strengths, weaknesses, supporters, naysayers and resources
- Turn your Values into Action Statements to guide you on how to live those Values
- How to turn Values into a Vision that you can get excited about
- How to turn a Vision into your lifelong Mission
- The questions to ask yourself to create your Roadmap
The way this works is we’re going to meet on a weekly basis for six weeks.
Each week I’ll teach a specific lesson in the Values Based Goal Setting program. At the end of the lesson, I’ll give you that week’s homework. Then we’ll have a Q&A session that will give you the opportunity to ask me anything you want. We’ll repeat this each week until we’re done.
In addition, I’m including your access to a private Facebook group, email access to me and as a bonus, PDF versions of all the checklists and exercises we do. And of course, you’ll get the recordings of the live classes to listen to whenever you want to.
Again, here’s what you’ll really dig deep into when you work with me:
- Define your Values
- Design the Vision for your life
- Determine the Mission to get you to your Vision
- Create a set of Goals that supports your Values and moves you closer and closer to your Vision
- Create a Road Map that gets you from Goal to Goal
- Do the Gut-Check to make sure you’re on the right track and still living out your Values
PLUS we’ll work step by step through these topics:
- Self-Inventory to discover your strengths, weaknesses, supporters, naysayers and resources
- Turn your Values into Action Statements to guide you on how to live those Values
- How to turn Values into a Vision that you can get excited about
- How to turn a Vision into your lifelong Mission
- The questions to ask yourself to create your Roadmap
Now, I know that’s a lot to cover, even in 6 weeks, but when you work with me you’ll be able to change the direction your life is going. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, doing a job you hate, or you’ve been pursuing (and maybe even achieving) the wrong goals for you…
Then this program is for you.
How would it feel to be able to stop and really look at your life and where you’re going?
How would it feel to see what’s most important to you and steer towards those things instead of what’s important to someone else?
What in your life would be changed by having clear Values, a distinct Vision and a definite Mission to work on?
The bottom line is I am going to show you a Road Map that’s easy to follow, a Road Map that will guide you down the path to real achievement and Success in your life.
Imagine it’s five years from now. You haven’t changed much in your life. You’re still in your job you don’t like. You still struggle to get on track, emotionally, financially or in your relationships. You’re just five years older and deeper in the rut you started in.
Now, imagine it’s five years from now, and you’ve used the Values Based Goal Setting tools.
You’ve got a clear idea of what’s important. You don’t have to wonder. You’ve changed your life dramatically. You’ve changed jobs or careers. Maybe you’ve started a new business. You’ve got a definite Vision of what kind of life you want. You’re actively working on getting there. You’re healthier, on-track financially and have fantastic relationships. You’re five years older, but feel 10 years younger, because the weight of uncertainty and doubt has been lifted from your shoulders.
What’s that really worth to you?
Perhaps as you’re reading this, you are realizing that with the right help you CAN change direction and truly live the life you want and achieve the Goals you set.
What would that mean for you?
How would your life be different if you finally let go of the things that hold you back, and pursued your Values and Vision for your life?
What would that mean for your family? What would change?
How would that feel for you?
If you’re like most of my clients, my guess is it would be amazing – truly, genuinely life changing!
I personally charge $200 an hour for my personal one on one coaching; and if you were to work with me directly to accomplish everything we’ll do in this program, it would be at least 10 hours of work. That would be about $2,000 and worth every penny!
And my guess is that if you create a Values Based Vision, Mission and Goals within the next few months, it would be worth even more than $2,000 to be able to do that!
However, I want to make this a no-brainer.
This program is going to be small group coaching, but over the course of the program, you’ll get access to over 10 hours worth of me in the form of online classes, email access and all the checklists, tools and supplemental tools I’ve produced for this program.
A genuine $2,000 value, both in my time and your value in launching your journey to the life you want to create.
But to make this truly a no-brainer, so you can finally get started NOW without taking a mortgage or pleading with your spouse, I’m going to offer Values Based Goal Setting for only $47. That’s right ONLY $47.
You get to work with me for six weeks and totally change direction to live a Values Based Life!
For only $47!
If you’re ready to get started changing your life NOW, then click the Buy Now button below.
Thanks and have an OUTSTANDING day!
Tim Johnson
Success Values Coach
Louisville, KY
PS: Maybe you’re thinking, will this really work for ME?
If so, I get it.
So I’m 100% guaranteeing this for a full 30 days – if you aren’t amazed at your progress, just ask; and I’ll refund every penny.
The bottom line is this: my process WORKS and I want you to see that. But if it doesn’t change your life and launch you toward a Values Based Life, I can’t sleep at night if I keep your money.
Seriously, give this a try.
For only $47, we can change your world.
Here’s a review of what we are going to do together in the next few weeks:
- Define your Values
- Design the Vision for your life
- Determine the Mission to get you to your Vision
- Create a set of Goals that supports your Values and moves you closer and closer to your Vision
- Create a Road Map that gets you from Goal to Goal
- Do the Gut-Check to make sure you’re on the right track and still living out your Values
PLUS we’ll work step by step through these topics:
- Self-Inventory to discover your strengths, weaknesses, supporters, naysayers and resources
- Turn your Values into Action Statements to guide you on how to live those Values
- How to turn Values into a Vision that you can get excited about
- How to turn a Vision into your lifelong Mission
- The questions to ask yourself to create your Roadmap
Let’s get started.
Thanks again.
Tim Johnson