Get ready for it.
It’s coming soon.
What is it?
Values Based Goal Setting.
Did you ever wonder why goal setting and achieving is so difficult for some people? There’s a lot of reasons for it, but I think one of the major reasons is that many people set goals that are at odds with their dominant values. Or they don’t really have a handle on what their values really are and therefore don’t know what kind of goals really support them.
Everyone has values.
Everyone lives out certain values all the time. Sometimes we do things that are in conflict with those values, and those are the times when we often struggle the most with self-doubt, sabotage and mixed results. Sometimes we follow the crowd, our friends, our boss or some other person or group and adopt their values. We work on their goals and their dreams instead of our own.
Values Based Goal Setting will teach you to change all that. VBGS is a comprehensive program that helps you discover what’s most important to you and what your dream life is. It’ll teach you how to create a plan to get there and how to adjust along the way. It’ll teach you to break things down and ask yourself the magic question missing from most goal setting.
No, I’m not going to tell you that here.
Values Based Goal Setting. It’s coming and you won’t want to miss it.