If your repeated actions can become habits, what happens to all the habits we create? They drive your attitude or state of mind to a great degree. Why? Because our dominant habits cause us to do things without much forethought. That automatic set of things we do will create a default physiology and default set of things we think about each day. Think about that for a minute. our habits create our default mindset and physical presence. Something most don’t give a second thought to is creating and governing our default motions, thoughts and feelings!
That’s why the actions we take are important. That’s why any action taken to get you started is important sometimes. Even inaction can be a habit. The right actions and habits that move us forward are going to form our general attitude. Someone who is not doing much to create their ideal future, is going to have habits of inaction or of poor actions. These habits create an attitude of either “I don’t do things.” or “I can’t do things.”
Neither attitude will help us move forward in life. They don’t even really help us tread water. I don’t think we are ever able to stand still by trying to. We’re either moving forward or backwards. If we are staying in the same place relatively speaking, it’s usually because our forward efforts aren’t great enough to overcome the falling back influences in our lives.
Combatting those influences will not come from our actions, habits and attitudes, but without a good foundation of those three things, it’s almost impossible to fight the negatives in our lives.
Good actions create good habits.
Good habits create good attitudes.
Good attitudes create the foundation for the rest of our lives.