OK. I admit I was sweating this first one a bit. After all, when you make a public statement that you’re going to do something, it’s even more embarrassing to miss the first Goal.

I didn’t though. I made it. My target weight for today was 252.3 pounds. I weighed in at 252.1 pounds this morning, an entire 2 tenths of a pound UNDER my target.


OK, in all seriousness, this didn’t make OR break my weight loss plan. I’m making a big deal out of this first win, because I want you to get the idea that you too should make a big deal out of little wins. Little wins add up to big wins which add up to massive Success in our lives.

So yeah. It really IS a big deal that I made my first target weight and came in ahead of the game. Next week, I’ll celebrate just as big if I come in right at the target or two pounds ahead of the Goal. A win is a win. Celebrate them as best as you can. It motivates you. It energizes you and it pumps you up to continue the fight.

Celebrating the wins in our lives is something that we too often just don’t do. We think the little wins aren’t worth celebrating. We think the little wins aren’t important. We think we’ll look silly or childish for celebrating losing only 1.5 pounds. Maybe others will think those things.


Well, that’s not entirely true, or I wouldn’t be worried about being embarrassed, right? But I CHOOSE to not care what people think of me for celebrating a small win. Neither should you. Fear should only motivate you to forge ahead. It shouldn’t keep you from being happy about even small Successes.

Celebrate ALL the wins. Big and little. Tell who you want. Tell everyone or just one person. Doesn’t matter. Celebrate the win.