First thing I have to ask you is this: Is your heart and your mind open?

Now why did I ask that? Hmmmn.

Well, an open mind should be obvious. You can’t pre-judge things and people and be able to find an opportunity. It’s that simple. Don’t pre-judge. You never know when someone will come into your life that will offer you something or have something that will help you. You never know when a piece of information will come to you that is that missing ingredient.

The open heart is your own. Are you ready for opportunity? Not everyone is. If they were, the world would be a far different place! Are you ready to act? Are you ready to see yourself taking advantage of an opportunity or are you still paralyzed with fear and indecision?

Some time ago I was in Nashville for a training seminar. A woman I met owns a video production company with her husband and saw the cover I created for the training tape set. Turns out she is looking for someone to design video cases for their company. While I haven’t been pursuing graphics projects for some time, I am always open to new projects. So, we exchanged information.

One of the speakers talked at the end of the second day about motivation and opportunity. Wow, he was good! What he had to say and how he said it were really inspiring. So, we talked about the website and he promised to look at it. I will be calling him to see if there is something we can do together.

I was there for training, but I made two contacts with people I had never met before that may mean more money. It was because I had an open mind and an open heart. I was open to talking to these people, and I was able to see myself working with them, before we even talked. That is having an open mind and an open heart.

A quick note here: I am not just referring to business opportunities. Opportunities can be for relationships, learning, career, where you live, what you drive, what you where, who your friends are and even what you think.

So, now that we have an open mind and an open heart, where ARE the opportunities?

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