I answered this question recently.


If you don’t like getting at the heart of the matter… If you like to live in a state of Denial (and NO, it’s not a river in Egypt!), then by all means, skip this post!

It’s OK. We’ll wait.

Now that the squeamish are gone, let me say this: Discovering what is holding you back is eye-opening and a little scary.


Because it takes away all your excuses. And we human beings are so fond of our excuses! If we don’t have one, we’ll make one up! It doesn’t even have to make sense!

The key to knowing what is holding you back is asking one simple question…

What am I waiting for in order to start being successful?

You might be thinking, “What? Have you lost your mind?!”

Maybe, but what does that have to do with the question? Seriously, look at your life and at the things you would like to accomplish. Take out a sheet of paper and divide it into 3 columns. In the first column, put down these things you would like to accomplish, do, have, etc. etc.

In the second column, put down where you currently are in these pursuits.

In the third column, put down the one thing you are waiting on to get started or to continue down that road.

Look at that third column very carefully.

How many of those things are real? In other words, how many do you really have to wait on? How many are things you made up? Things like more free time? More money? Someone to watch the kids? Better education? Better partners or a mentor?

I say to you that none of those kinds of things are real!

They are ALL IN YOUR HEAD! You could start down the path right now. Those are convenient excuses. We all use them. Sometimes we take on too much work or too many projects in order to have these excuses. We build them up into monsters that we have to kill in our minds.

We let these things trick us.

We control two things in life. Our thoughts and what we do about them. Stop thinking about the excuses. Start doing something to move past them.

Each day.

Every week.

The entire month.

All year.

Think and Grow Rich could have been Think, Do and Grow Rich. Think better thoughts and fewer excuses and do the things to move along your Success path.

So, I ask a final time.

What is holding YOU back?